Naked in GIF Form For GQ!

Last month, Charlotte McKinney forgot to wear pants to the Spike TV Awards, and it was glorious.

Today, "the new Kate Upton" is continuing to rule the summer with a GQ pictorial that basically sums up everything that’s wonderful about the season, America, and life in general:

Yes, Charlotte dispensed with the bikinis this time and just went full-on nude this time.

That’s not legal on many beaches in the US, but we seriously doubt that anyone complained.

Obviously, nude photos of Charlotte McKinney are always just a Google search away, but these GIFs are better because 1. They move, and 2. They’re not stolen, so you can ogle-away guilt-free.

You’ve gotta hand it to Charlotte and GQ for cutting right to the chase and just posting a bunch of semi-nude moving images without forcing Ms. McKinney to answer some banal interview questions about how crazy it is to be famous or offer up a raunchy knock-knock joke.

Sure, there will come a time in Charlotte’s career when she’s forced to jump on a horse and sell Game of Thrones knock-off iPhone games, but for now, she can just bounce on a beach and it’s more than good enough.

God bless America.
