Kanye West ... glad to be gay | Kanye West

Lost in showbizKanye West

Kanye West ... glad to be gay

Once more to the pensées of Baron Kanye West, then, who informs Details magazine that he has generously decided to rehabilitate the word gay.

"I like to embody titles, y'know, or words that have negative connotations, and explain why that's good," declares Kanye. "Take the word gay - like, in hip-hop, that's a negative thing, right? But in the past two, three years, all the gay people I've encountered have been, like, really, really, extremely dope. Y'know, I haven't, like, gone to a gay bar, nor do I ever plan to. But where I would talk to a gay person - the conversation would be mostly around, like, art or design - it'd be really dope. From a design standpoint, kids'll say, 'Dude, those pants are gay.' But if it's, like, good, good, good fashion-level, design-level stuff - where it's on a higher level than the average commercial design stuff - it's gay people that do that. I think that should be said as a compliment. Like, 'Dude, that's so good it's almost ... GAY.'"

Thanking you, Kanye. Remarkably, this would appear to be only the first time that the hip-hop auteur has found common ground with Daily Telegraph bigwigs, who, of course. have been trying to restore the word to its original meaning for years. Do you ever see the Telegraph? It's the 21st century newspaper where "gay" is banned by associate editor Simon Heffer's style guide (you have to write "homosexual"), but whose website cheerfully reprinted a Perez Hilton rumour that Michelle Obama was pregnant the other week. I do adore it.

Although, had I known that the Telegraph took such a cavalier attitude to running completely unsubstantiated nonsense when I was writing this newspaper's Diary column, I might never have bothered to ring Heffer himself to check out a tip-off that he had been spotted buying a jazz mag on a walk across Piccadilly Circus one afternoon. Had I not done so, of course, I would never have been able to hear Simon's robust denial of such a purchase. So I now confess myself completely confused as to whether my approach or the Telegraph's was right. Perhaps the sage himself could get in touch with the answer?
