Fame | Ryzza Mae Dizon net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Ryzza Mae Dizon? When is Ryzza Mae Dizon's birthday? Where is Ryzza Mae Dizon born? Where did Ryzza Mae Dizon grow up from? What's Ryzza Mae Dizon's age?

Ryzza Mae Dizon Born: June 12, 2005 (age 17years), Angeles, Philippines

How about Ryzza Mae Dizon's parents?

Ryzza Mae Dizon Parents: Rissa Dizon

How about Ryzza Mae Dizon's sibling?

Ryzza Mae Dizon Sibling: Princess Nicole Dizon, Ken Raven Dizon, Nathaniel Dizon

How about Ryzza Mae Dizon's education?

Ryzza Mae Dizon Education: Eton International School (20132019)

What happened to Ryzza Mae Dizon?

She is currently one of the hosts of Eat Bulaga!, a noontime variety show in the Philippines.

Is Ryzza Mae Dizon still studying?

Ryzza Mae Dizon took to Instagram to share some of her graduation photos on Friday, May 12. Eat Bulaga host Ryzza Mae Dizon finally graduated from junior high school on Friday, May 12.

How old is Ryzza Mae now?

FORMER child star and Eat Bulaga co-host Ryzza Cenon did not let her showbiz duties get in the way of her studies, as she proudly shared that she is now a junior high school graduate. Dizon completed junior high school at the Eton International College.

Where does Ryzza Mae Dizon study?

FORMER child star and Eat Bulaga co-host Ryzza Cenon did not let her showbiz duties get in the way of her studies, as she proudly shared that she is now a junior high school graduate. Dizon completed junior high school at the Eton International College.
