How old is Vanessa Bell Armstrong? When is Vanessa Bell Armstrong's birthday? Where is Vanessa Bell Armstrong born? Where did Vanessa Bell Armstrong grow up from? What's Vanessa Bell Armstrong's age?
Vanessa Bell Armstrong Born: 1953 (age 70years), Detroit, MI
How about Vanessa Bell Armstrong's parents?
Vanessa Bell Armstrong Parents: Elder Jesse Bell, Mildred Bell
How about Vanessa Bell Armstrong's sibling?
Vanessa Bell Armstrong Sibling: Margaret Bell-Byars
Does Vanessa Bell Armstrong have any children? What are the names of Vanessa Bell Armstrong's children? What are the ages of Vanessa Bell Armstrong's children?
Vanessa Bell Armstrong Children: Terrence Armstrong
How about Vanessa Bell Armstrong's awards?
Vanessa Bell Armstrong Awards: Soul Train Music Award for Best Gospel Album Solo
What happened to Vanessa Bell Armstrong's son?
She had married shortly after graduating high school, had five children and spent the 1970s as a housewife.
How many children does Vanessa Bell Armstrong have?
She had married shortly after graduating high school, had five children and spent the 1970s as a housewife.